Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Visceral Reality

Imagine, a world of silence.
Due to conflict everywhere,
Makin' life ever so violent.
The Government shakes their heads
Because they don't buy it,
Creating ICBMs, dishing out controls to fly it.
Our country is fallin' apart.
But they say they can tie it,
Saying 'unite, unite!'
But in reality we explode like dynamite.
Failiure to see the light,
Has created nothing but destruction
Like a volcano on the brink of eruption
Nothing but death.
A dying boy on the ground running out of breath,
Heart rapidly beating in his chest.
All cause this Nation is on a quest.
Oil, an increasingly decreasingly treasure chest.
Soon there will be nothing left.
Soon it will be all for nothing.
We will all be starving.
Going back technologically.
Genetic mutations from nuclear holocausts
Will have us reproduce a-biotically
Psychotically, going on a raging conquest.
Fighting an enemy filled with great emnity,
By the will of thier God till their last breath.
And for what?
A change to Democracy?
They got my brother fightin' over there
For political hypocrisy